AustralianSuper Interest Rates
Term Deposit | up to: 1.83% | Aug, 2019 |
AustralianSuper offers a range of financial products and services entailing low cost banking products and non-super investments, Financial planning, Health insurance and Access to mental health support.
Low cost banking products and non-super investments services include discounted home loans, term deposits, managed funds, online savings accounts, low rate personal loans and credit cards. Financial planning entails retirement planning and income accounts, superannuation, savings strategies and investments, debt management, and insurance.
AustralianSuper Overview
AustralianSuper is one of the largest superannuation funds in Australia (Australian retirement accounts). It is an industry super fund type and has more than 46 billion under management as at June 2012. It has 1.9 million members in the country catering to 170,000 employers. AustralianSuper offers p... read more