Credit Union Australia

Type Credit Cards
Rate 11.99%
Currency AUD

The rate indicated applies to the rate on purchases and has different rates for cash advances and balance transfers. It has 55 days of interest free for purchases and as at 2014 it has an annual fee of $49. Please Visit the CUA website for specific conditions and terms before applying for this card.

The rate of 11.99% is 6.3% lower than the average 18.29%. Also it is -2 % lower than the highest rate 9.99 Updated Sep, 2019

on Credit Union Australia's secure website

The rate indicated applies to the rate on purchases and has different rates for cash advances and balance transfers. It has 55 days of interest free for purchases and as at 2014 it has an annual fee of $49. Please Visit the CUA website for specific conditions and terms before applying for this card.

The rate of 11.99% is 6.3% lower than the average 18.29%. Also it is -2 % lower than the highest rate 9.99 Updated Sep, 2019

on Credit Union Australia's secure website

Type Credit Cards
Rate 11.99%
Currency AUD

Compare Credit Union Australia Credit rates

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Credit Union Australia 3 Month Term Deposit 1.75%
Credit Union Australia Car Loan 6.79%
Credit Union Australia 1 Year Term Deposit 1.70%

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