Bank of China Australia

Type Fixed
Rate 3.70%
Currency AUD
Special Term Deposit AUD 6M
OPENING_BALANCE : 5000minimal opening balance AUD 5000
Tier: :

Special Term Deposit AUD 6M

The rate of 3.70% is 3.7% higher than the average 0%. Also it is -3.7 % lower than the highest rate Updated Apr, 2023

on Bank of China Australia's secure website

Special Term Deposit AUD 6M
OPENING_BALANCE : 5000minimal opening balance AUD 5000
Tier: :

Special Term Deposit AUD 6M

The rate of 3.70% is 3.7% higher than the average 0%. Also it is -3.7 % lower than the highest rate Updated Apr, 2023

on Bank of China Australia's secure website

Type Fixed
Rate 3.70%
Currency AUD